sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

A tale without society

Once upon a time there was a little girl that lived in a very colourful village surrounded by gentle forests in which she would always play among the trees: climbing, building her own nest, reading pertinent books, sitting on a rock at the mainstream of the small river, feeling the strength of the fresh water on her back.

It was quite sunny outside the woods and they would protect her from the straight sunshine.

Amanda would stay there as long as she had to go home for regular commitments such as lunch and dinner. 

Although she didn’t feel lonely on her forest since she could see and listen to the birds and an amount of harmless other little animals, there would always be a moment when her own speaking inside her mind would often become louder in comparison to the ‘out there’ silence and sounds, and when that happened, her thoughts would get frustrated once they’d found her scull barrier and would immediately immerse in an unknown abysm.

So they would colonize the abysm and would often interact with each other at noon so that by the end of their getting-to-know-each-other-and-the-new-ones it was twilight and they would all rest, leaving the silence around, which would be felt in Amanda as emptiness.

But not a complete emptiness, a restless one, the one that would fill up her body right up from her toes, finger joints till her chest. Oh, it was so empty on her chest it would choke anything thrown at her mouth and nose.

This little girl would not know the secrets of modern life, such as compulsive eating, smoking or inhaling substances, nor would she know benzoic drugs. Then all she could do was lay down on the humid soil of her forest and feel embraced and she would feel so small among the warmth and the magnitude of the soil that it would work like a gigantic hug pressing up her emptiness and leaving her fit again.

“Amanda! Amanda!” she would thing she heard. “… time for dinner!” and she would be sure.

My little girl is quite small, 1m30 high, brown not properly curly hair, a porcelain white sprinkled face with an unique disposition of eyes, nose and  a little mouth upon her smooth skinny face.

She would show the outlook of a girl of her age, such as the inner and outer energy too.

Her name reflected the format and colour of her eyes, though sometimes, as an attribute at her own favour, they were undistinguishable between brown and honey.

She is 9 years old. And I’ll write about her till she is 11. 

terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011

(m)eu quarto

Por fora da minha janela, a janela do meu quarto, as nuvens pairam inertes sobre o topo das árvores que capto deitada na minha cama.

Os balões da capadócia respiram no móbile do lado direito.  Presos ao teto azul do mar Vermelho anoitecido envolto por três pontos de luz que minha avó gostava de contá-los junto aos outros quando se hospedava aqui.
Contávamos estrelas no meu céu artificial.

Naturalmente uma árvore seca colada na parede branca brota sobre o pé da cama, acompanhada das minhas almofadas de solteira numa marquesa improvisada.

Do lado esquerdo, pedaços externos de mim saltam da mala aberta e tentam estaticamente se aproximar ao meu ponto de reclusão. Meu ponto de maior encontro. Minha cama. De todo o tempo. De toda a vida.

Se um dia esse quarto não mais existir, perderei de uma vez por todas minha frágil referência de lar que ainda restou depois de tanta peregrinação.

Também vejo no canto do quarto, minha primeira tela, com o papel-bolha semi partido. É um grafite de uma Alice numa motocicleta, seu coelho na garupa, deixando rastros de cartas, corações, relógios, rebatidos pelos seus cabelos ao vento.

segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2011

quando converge

não queria me vestir com as roupas e nem com as armas de Jorge

não pra você

ainda que na Capadócia.

e achei que

o sim finalmente viesse,

eu não seria um não-reativo

dragão se doma, não se mata.

não é assim, Jorge.

asas pro seu cavalo.

briggitte jones jour

Vocé é rica, linda, cativante, viaja o mundo...


                                                                                                                                           sou inteligente, engraçada, bonita...

terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

don't get me wrong

if I'm looking kinda dazzled 

we're the only ones that might do that to ourselves, so think softly.

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011

Anything else? Men, please.


sabe quando andamos por aí, caímos numa feirinha...
de repente, na barraca ao lado, escolhendo favos de mel,

é ele,

aquele homem lindo,
aquele clímax do seu dia todo...

e ele te olha.